Monday, July 28, 2008

Our first house

Mama called me ET, cause I had so many cords and my eyes were so big and black!
Daddy fell asleep every time he came up to the hospital. . . but I liked to sleep with him, it was better than the incubator! Look how tiny I am.
This was our first outing when we got home. My mom wanted us to dress up and be pumpkins for Halloween. We just slept the whole time at the party!

yeah we're finally home!!

This is our first house we ever lived in! But we are moving this weekend out to Wimberley.

1 comment:

Becky at "Cheese My Head" said...

Thanks for the link to your blog! Your babies are SO sweet! How fun to see pictures of them :)

My sister, Christel, had twin girls and they were preemies too. I know your journey was probably similar to hers. I'm so glad to see that your little guys are thriving too!